Psalm 87

Psalm 87

A psalm of the Sons of Korah. A song.

The Lord has built his city
    on the holy mountain.
He loves the city of Zion
    more than all the other places
    where the people of Jacob live.
City of God,
    the Lord says glorious things about you.
He says, “I will include Egypt and Babylon
    in a list of nations who recognize me as king.
I will also include Philistia and Tyre, along with Cush.
    I will say about them, ‘They were born in Zion.’ ”

Certainly it will be said about Zion,
    “This nation and that nation were born in it.
    The Most High God himself will make it secure.”
Here is what the Lord will write in his list of the nations.
    “Each of them was born in Zion.”
As they make music they will sing,
    “Zion, all our blessings come from you.”