Proverbs 16

1People make plans in their hearts.
    But the Lord puts the correct answer on their tongues.

Everything a person does might seem pure to them.
    But the Lord knows why they do what they do.

Commit to the Lord everything you do.
    Then he will make your plans succeed.

The Lord works everything out to the proper end.
    Even those who do wrong were made for a day of trouble.

The Lord hates all those who have proud hearts.
    You can be sure that they will be punished.

Through love and truth sin is paid for.
    People avoid evil when they have respect for the Lord.

When the way you live pleases the Lord,
    he makes even your enemies live at peace with you.

It is better to have a little and do right
    than to have a lot and be unfair.

In their hearts human beings plan their lives.
    But the Lord decides where their steps will take them.

10 A king speaks as if his words come from God.
    And what he says does not turn right into wrong.

11 Honest scales and balances belong to the Lord.
    He made all the weights in the bag.

12 A king hates it when his people do what is wrong.
    A ruler is made secure when they do what is right.

13 Kings are pleased when what you say is honest.
    They value people who speak what is right.

14 An angry king can order your death.
    But a wise person will try to calm him down.

15 When a king’s face is happy, it means life.
    His favor is like rain in the spring.

16 It is much better to get wisdom than gold.
    It is much better to choose understanding than silver.

17 The path of honest people takes them away from evil.
    Those who guard their ways guard their lives.

18 If you are proud, you will be destroyed.
    If you are proud, you will fall.

19 Suppose you are lowly in spirit along with those who are treated badly.
    That’s better than sharing stolen goods with those who are proud.

20 If anyone pays attention to what they’re taught, they will succeed.
    Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord.

21 Wise hearts are known for understanding what is right.
    Kind words make people want to learn more.

22 Understanding is like a fountain of life to those who have it.
    But foolish people are punished for the foolish things they do.

23 The hearts of wise people guide their mouths.
    Their words make people want to learn more.

24 Kind words are like honey.
    They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body.

25 There is a way that appears to be right.
    But in the end it leads to death.

26 The hunger of workers makes them work.
    Their hunger drives them on.

27 A worthless person plans to do evil things.
    Their words are like a burning fire.

28 A twisted person stirs up conflict.
    Anyone who talks about others separates close friends.

29 A person who wants to hurt others tries to get them to sin.
    That person leads them down a path that isn’t good.

30 Whoever winks with their eye is planning to do wrong.
    Whoever closes their lips tightly is up to no good.

31 Gray hair is a glorious crown.
    You get it by living the right way.

32 It is better to be patient than to fight.
    It is better to control your temper than to take a city.

33 Lots are cast into the lap to make decisions.
    But everything they decide comes from the Lord.