Job 8

The First Speech of Bildad

1Then Bildad the Shuhite replied,

“Job, how long will you talk like that?
    Your words don’t have any meaning.
Does God ever treat people unfairly?
    Does the Mighty One make what is wrong
    appear to be right?
Your children sinned against him.
    So he punished them for their sin.
But seek God with all your heart.
    Make your appeal to the Mighty One.
Be pure and honest.
    And he will rise up and help you now.
    He’ll give you everything you had before.
In the past, things went well with you.
    But in days to come, things will get even better.

“Find out what our parents taught.
    Discover what those who lived before them learned.
After all, we were born only yesterday.
    So we don’t know anything.
    Our days on this earth are like a shadow that disappears.
10 Won’t your people of long ago teach you and tell you?
    Won’t the things they said help you understand?
11 Can grass grow tall where there isn’t any swamp?
    Can plants grow well where there isn’t any water?
12 While they are still growing and haven’t been cut,
    they dry up faster than grass does.
13 The same thing happens to everyone who forgets God.
    The hope of ungodly people dies out.
14 What they trust in is very weak.
    What they depend on is like a spider’s web.
15 They lean on it, but it falls apart.
    They hold on to it, but it gives way.
16 They are like a plant in the sunshine
    that receives plenty of water.
    It spreads its new growth all over the garden.
17 It wraps its roots around a pile of rocks.
    It tries to find places to grow among the stones.
18 But when the plant is pulled up from its spot,
    that place says, ‘I never saw you.’
19 The life of that plant is sure to dry up.
    But from the same soil other plants will grow.

20 “I’m sure God doesn’t turn his back on anyone who is honest.
    And he doesn’t help those who do what is evil.
21 He will fill your mouth with laughter.
    Shouts of joy will come from your lips.
22 Your enemies will put on shame as if it were clothes.
    The tents of sinful people will be gone.”