Ezekiel 27

A Song of Sadness About Tyre

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, “Son of man, sing a song of sadness about Tyre. It is located at the gateway to the Mediterranean Sea. It does business with nations on many coasts. Say to it, ‘The Lord and King says,

“ ‘ “Tyre, you say,
    ‘I am perfect and beautiful.’
You were like a ship that ruled over the high seas.
    Your builders made you perfect and beautiful.
They cut all your lumber
    from juniper trees on Mount Hermon.
They used a cedar tree from Lebanon
    to make a mast for you.
They made your oars
    out of oak trees from Bashan.
They made your deck out of cypress wood
    from the coasts of Cyprus.
    They decorated it with ivory.
Your sail was made out of beautiful Egyptian linen.
    It served as your banner.
Your shades were made out of blue and purple cloth.
    They were from the coasts of Elishah.
Men from Sidon and Arvad manned your oars.
    Tyre, your sailors were skillful.
Very skilled workers from Byblos were on board.
    They kept you waterproof.
All the ships on the sea and their sailors
    came up beside you.
    They brought their goods to trade for yours.

10 “ ‘ “Men from Persia, Lydia and Put
    served as soldiers in your army, city of Tyre.
They hung their shields and helmets on your walls.
    That brought glory to you.
11 Men from Arvad and Helek
    guarded your walls on every side.
Men from Gammad
    were in your towers.
They hung their shields around your walls.
    They made you perfect and beautiful.

12 “ ‘ “Tarshish did business with you because you had so much wealth. They traded silver, iron, tin and lead for your goods.

13 “ ‘ “Greece, Tubal and Meshek did business with you. They traded human beings and bronze objects for your products.

14 “ ‘ “Men from Beth Togarmah traded chariot horses, war horses and mules for your goods.

15 “ ‘ “Men from Rhodes did business with you. Many lands along the coast bought goods from you. They paid you with ivory tusks and ebony wood.

16 “ ‘ “Aram did business with you because you had so many products for sale. They traded turquoise, purple cloth and needlework for your goods. They also traded fine linen, coral and rubies for them.

17 “ ‘ “Judah and Israel did business with you. They traded wheat from Minnith, sweets, honey, olive oil and lotion for your products.

18 “ ‘ “Damascus did business with you. That’s because you had so many products and so much wealth. They traded to you wine from Helbon and wool from Zahar. 19 They also traded to you casks of wine from Izal. You traded to them wrought iron, cassia and calamus.

20 “ ‘ “Dedan traded saddle blankets to you.

21 “ ‘ “Arabia and all the princes of Kedar bought goods from you. They traded you lambs, rams and goats for them.

22 “ ‘ “Traders from Sheba and Raamah did business with you. They traded the finest spices, jewels and gold for your goods.

23 “ ‘ “Harran, Kanneh and Eden did business with you. So did traders from Sheba, Ashur and Kilmad. 24 In your market they traded beautiful clothes, blue cloth, and needlework to you. They also traded colorful rugs that had twisted cords and tight knots.

25 “ ‘ “The ships of Tarshish
    carry your products.
You are like a ship filled with a heavy load
    as you sail the sea.
26 The sailors who man your oars take you
    out to the high seas.
But the east wind will break you in pieces
    far out at sea.
27 You will be wrecked on that day.
    Your wealth, goods and products
    will sink deep into the sea.
So will your sailors, officers, carpenters,
    traders and all your soldiers.
    Anyone else on board will sink too.
28 The lands along the coast will shake
    when your sailors cry out.
29 All those who man the oars
    will desert their ships.
The sailors and all the officers
    will stand on the shore.
30 They will raise their voices.
    They will cry bitterly over you.
They will sprinkle dust on their heads.
    They will roll in ashes.
31 They will shave their heads because of you.
    And they will put on the clothes of sadness.
They will weep over you.
    Their spirits will be greatly troubled.
    They will be very sad.
32 As they weep and mourn over you,
    they will sing a song of sadness about you.
They will say, ‘Who was ever like Tyre?
    It was destroyed in the sea.’
33 Your goods went out on the seas.
    You supplied many nations with what they needed.
You had so much wealth and so many products.
    You made the kings of the earth rich.
34 Now the sea has torn you apart.
    You have sunk deep down into it.
Your products and all your people
    have gone down with you.
35 All those who live in the lands along the coast
    are shocked because of what has happened to you.
Their kings tremble with fear.
    Their faces are twisted in horror.
36 The traders among the nations laugh at you.
    You have come to a horrible end.
    And you will be gone forever.” ’ ”