Exodus 27

The Altar for Burnt Offerings

1“Build an altar out of acacia wood. It must be four feet six inches high and seven feet six inches square. Make a horn stick out from each of its upper four corners. The horns and the altar must be all one piece. Cover the altar with bronze. Make everything for the altar out of bronze. Make its pots to remove the ashes. Make its shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and pans for carrying ashes. Make a bronze grate for the altar. Make a bronze ring for each of the four corners of the grate. Put the grate halfway up the altar on the inside. Make poles out of acacia wood for the altar. Cover them with bronze. Put the poles through the rings. They will be on two sides of the altar for carrying it. Make the altar out of boards. Leave it hollow. It must look just like what I showed you on the mountain.

The Courtyard

“Make a courtyard for the holy tent. The south side must be 150 feet long. It must have curtains that are made out of finely twisted linen. 10 The curtains must be hung on 20 posts that have 20 bronze bases. The posts must have silver hooks and bands on them. 11 The north side must also be about 150 feet long. It must have curtains with 20 posts that have 20 bronze bases. The posts must have silver hooks and bands on them.

12 “The west end of the courtyard must be 75 feet wide. It must have curtains with ten posts that have ten bases. 13 The east end of the courtyard, toward the sunrise, must also be 75 feet wide. 14 On one side of the entrance you must put curtains that are 22 feet six inches long. Hang them on three posts. Each post must have a base. 15 On the other side you must also put curtains that are 22 feet six inches long. Hang them on three posts. Each post must have a base.

16 “For the entrance to the courtyard, provide a curtain 30 feet long. Make it out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. Have someone who sews skillfully make it. Hang it on four posts. Each post must have a base. 17 All the posts that are around the courtyard must have silver bands and hooks. They must also have bronze bases. 18 The courtyard must be 150 feet long and 75 feet wide. It must have curtains that are made out of finely twisted linen. They must be seven feet six inches high. The posts must have bronze bases. 19 Make out of bronze all the other things used for any purpose in the holy tent. That includes all the tent stakes for the tent and the courtyard.

Oil for the Lampstand

20 “Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil made from pressed olives. Use it to keep the lamps burning and giving light. 21 Aaron and his sons must keep the lamps burning in the tent of meeting. The lamps will be outside the curtain in front of the tablets of the covenant law. The lamps must be kept burning in front of the Lord from evening until morning. This is a law for the Israelites that will last for all time to come.